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Twelve things make prayers void, and they are called mubtilat:

  • If any of the pre-requisites of prayers ceases to exist while one is in Salat , like, if he comes to know that the dress with which he has covered himself is a usurped one.
  • If a person, intentionally or by mistake, or uncontrollably, commits an act which makes his Wudhu or Ghusl void.
  • If a person folds his hands as a mark of humility and reverence, his prayers will be void, but this is based on precautionary rule.
  • Saying 'Amin' after Surah al-Hamd. This rule, when applied to one praying individually, is based on precaution.
  • Turning away from Qibla without any excuse.
  • Talking, even by uttering a single word consisting of one single letter which has a meaning or denotes something.
  • Intentional loud laugh.
  • Intentional weeping, silently or loudly, over some worldly matters, based on obligatory precaution.
  • Any act that changes the form of the Salat like, clapping or jumping, invalidates the Salat, regardless of whether that act is done intentionally or forgetfully.
  • Eating or drinking.
  • Any doubt concerning the number of Rak'ats in those prayers which consist of two or three Rak'ats, will render the Salat void. Also, if one doubts about the number of the first two Rak'ats, of Salat having four Rak'ats, (like, Zuhr, Asr and Isha), his Salat will be void if he continues to be in doubt.
  • Omitting or adding the Rukn (elemental parts) of the Salat , either intentionally or forgetfully.
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