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  1. Any doubt concerning the number of Rak'ats in those prayers which consist of two or three Rak'ats, will render the Salat void. If one doubts about the number of the first two Rak'ats, of Salat having four Rak'ats, (like, Zuhr, Asr and Isha), his Salat will be void if he continues to be in doubt.
  2. Twelve things make prayers void, and they are called mubtilat: If any of the pre-requisites of prayers ceases to exist while one is in Salat , like, if he comes to know that the dress with which he has covered himself is a usurped one. If a person, intentionally or by mistake, or uncontrollably, commits an act which makes his Wudhu or Ghusl void. If a person folds his hands as a mark of humility and reverence, his prayers will be void, but this is based on precautionary rule. Saying 'Amin' after Surah al-Hamd. This rule, when applied to one praying individually, is based on precaution. Turning away from Qibla without any excuse. Talking, even by uttering a single word consisting of one single letter which has a meaning or denotes something. Intentional loud laugh. Intentional weeping, silently or loudly, over some worldly matters, based on obligatory precaution. Any act that changes the form of the Salat like, clapping or jumping, invalidates the Salat, regardless of whether that act is done intentionally or forgetfully. Eating or drinking. Any doubt concerning the number of Rak'ats in those prayers which consist of two or three Rak'ats, will render the Salat void. Also, if one doubts about the number of the first two Rak'ats, of Salat having four Rak'ats, (like, Zuhr, Asr and Isha), his Salat will be void if he continues to be in doubt. Omitting or adding the Rukn (elemental parts) of the Salat , either intentionally or forgetfully.
  3. Question: I traveled to a European country and performed the morning prayer according to a prayers-time application, and after a few days I realized that the prayer time in that city was a few minutes different from the application, and I prayed a few minutes earlier. What is my duty? Answer: If you realize that you prayed the whole prayer before the time, you need to pray again. But if you have started the prayer with confidence that the prayer time has arrived, then you’ve realized that part of the prayer was before the real call to prayer, then the prayer is valid.
  4. Question: If according to the announced prayer times, the sunrise has arrived but I do not see the sunrise at this time and minutes later, should I pray the morning prayer at this time with the intention of Qadha or not? Answer: If you have doubts about the arrival of sunrise, you can suppose it hasn’t arrived yet and offer the prayer with the intention of offering it in time, but if you know the time of sunrise, considering that usually the announced sunrise time is accurate, the prayer is Qadha, even though due to obstacles you can not see the sunrise in the city. Another point about the intention of prayer is that it is not necessarily to perform the prayer with the intention of offering it in time or Qadha, rather it is sufficient to offer it with the intention of whatever is your duty.
  5. Question: Is it obligatory to pray at the beginning of the prayer time? Answer: It is recommended to pray at the beginning of the prayer time and it is not worthy to delay the prayer from the beginning of the prayer time without religious and customary preferences.
  6. Question: Is it correct to rely on rooster crowing to determine the time of morning prayer? Answer: No, it is not a correct criterion.
  7. Question: In cases where the prayer should be performed in both directions due to not knowing the direction of the Qibla, if we perform the prayer only in one direction, should we perform the qadha of the prayer later? Answer: If he is certain or almost certain or he is suspicious that the Qibla is in one of the two directions, he should pray to both directions. In the example above, if he intentionally prays only to one side, he has not fulfilled his duty and must perform Qadha for that prayer.
  8. Question: If a person is praying the Isha prayer and while he still has plenty of time to pray the Isha prayer, in the second rakat something urgent happens to him, can he change his intention (Niyyah) to the morning qadha prayer and complete his prayer in two rakats? Answer: It is possible to change the intention of prayer from performing in-time (Ada’), to Qadha with two conditions: 1: The prayer time should not be tight 2: The prayer stage for changing the intention has not passed. (For example, you cannot change the intention to a two-Rakat prayer when you’ve bowed for the ruku’ of the third Rakat)
  9. Question: How the time for noon prayer is determined by an indicator? Answer: When the indicator shadow reaches its minimum size (in some cities, the indicator shadow disappears completely) and then, the indicator shadow starts increasing, it is known that the noontime according to Shariah has arrived.
  10. Question: 1) If someone intentionally or unintentionally does not pray the noon and evening prayers until sunset, is it necessary for him to pray after sunset without the intention of qadha or is it not necessary to pray until the maghrib call to prayer, but should he pray qadha whenever he wants? 2) If someone unintentionally does not perform the Maghrib and Isha prayers until midnight, will his Maghrib and Isha prayers be performed in time until the morning prayer? Answer: 1. For a person who knows the time of sunset, it is an obligatory precaution not to delay the noon and evening prayers until the sun goes down and the sun sets, and if there is a delay, he should pray it without the intention of in time (Ada') or qadha, in the time interval between sunset and maghrib; But whoever doubts the sunset and believes that the sun is hidden behind mountains, buildings, or trees, there is still time for him as long as the redness in the sky is visible in the east and has not disappeared. 2. The time for Maghrib and Isha prayers for a person in a normal situation (not in an emergency) continues until midnight but for a person in an emergency, i.e. someone who has not prayed before midnight due to forgetfulness or due to staying asleep or menstruation and the like, the time for Maghrib and Isha prayers continue until Fajr (morning prayer time); But in any case, in case of paying attention and not being negligent, the order between the two is necessary, that is, the Maghrib prayer must be performed first, then the Isha prayer, and if the Isha prayer is intentionally performed before the Maghrib prayer, it is invalid; unless there is not more than the amount of time left to perform the Isha prayer; In this case, it is necessary to pray the Isha prayer before the Maghrib prayer.
  11. Question: Which astronomical site is approved by Ayatollah Sistani? Answer: The address of the Astronomy website related to Ayatollah Sistani's office: https://english.nojumi.org
  12. Question: If a person was certain of the validity of the prayer times announced by an Institute for performing his prayers and the start and breaking of the fast and acted according to that but now is uncertain of the validity of that, what is the duty of his past prayers and fasts? Answer: If you are no longer certain, as long as you do not find certainty to the contrary, your previous acts of worship are valid. But from now on you have to be cautious.
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