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Everything posted by Bararthani

  1. Question: If a person was certain of the validity of the prayer times announced by an Institute for performing his prayers and the start and breaking of the fast and acted according to that but now is uncertain of the validity of that, what is the duty of his past prayers and fasts? Answer: If you are no longer certain, as long as you do not find certainty to the contrary, your previous acts of worship are valid. But from now on you have to be cautious.
  2. Question: If wiping of the feet in ablution is performed incompletely (for example, the hand suddenly separates from the foot), is it enough to complete that incomplete wiping or do I have to wipe the feet from the beginning? Answer: Yes, it is sufficient to complete the same wiping.
  3. Question: If performing some kinds of make-up causes an obstacle in the organs of ablution, and consequently requires performing Jabirah ablution in a short period of 2 or 3 days, is it permissible to perform that make-up? Answer: No, it is not allowed.
  4. Question: If a person has a wound under his beard and the blood does not stop, how can he perform ablution? The wound is under the beard and he does not want to shave the beard. Putting plaster on the beard is useless because, with the plaster on the beard, the water still reaches the wound under the beard and spreads to other places. Answer: If the wound can be purified, but the only obstacle is that the blood does not stop, in this case, it is necessary to cleanse the face under Kurr water (tap water), meaning you put your face under tap water from top to bottom with the intention of ablution while pressing the injured area (with one finger), when you reached the injured area remove your finger for a moment so that the water could reach it, but if the wound cannot be purified this way and it is not possible to perform Jabirah ablution, then you have to perform Tayammum.
  5. Question: When performing ablution, some water usually drips on the feet. Is it a valid ablution if we wipe our feet in this state? Answer: The place of wiping must be dry, and if it is so wet that the wetness of your hands does not affect it, the wiping is invalid, but if it has a little moisture, so that the water of the hand overcomes it during wiping, and that moisture is considered lost in the wiping water, there is no problem.
  6. Question: Is mascara on the eyelashes an obstacle for ablution? Answer: If there is an obstacle on the eyelashes, it must be removed for ablution and ghusl, and it is your own responsibility to determine whether the mascara prevents water from reaching it or not.
  7. Question: The residents of two villages have divided the water from a river between themselves and take turns taking the water for themselves. Do the villagers in their turn own the water or not? If a person, outside of his turn, brings water from the river for his own use in his house and performs ablution, will his ablution be invalid if the people of the other village do not consent? Answer: There is no problem in performing ablution from streams that based on the conventional habitude of the wise, are allowed to be used without the permission of the owner (even if the owner is a minor, and even if the person does not know that the owner consents). Rather, it is still permissible to take possession of them, even if the owner forbids performing ablution, or even if the person knows that the owner does not consent, or if the owner is minor or insane.
  8. Question: What is the ruling of a person who, due to justifiable ignorance of the ruling, does not start washing his forehead or elbows from the top of that organ during ablution and later in continuation of ablution, washes that upper part of the organ? For example, he washes from the mid of the forearm to the tips of the fingers with the intention of ablution, then he washes the dry part of the forearm from the elbow to the mid of the forearm. Answer: If when he starts to wash from the elbow, he washes to the fingers (even if before that, he only washed from the mid of the forearm to the fingers), then his ablution is valid, but if he only performs ablution from the elbow to the mid of the forearm (the part that was left unwashed previously), then such ablution is invalid, and the prayer that was performed with it is also void, and in this matter, there is no difference between justifiable and unjustifiable ignorance.
  9. Question: If someone has a wound on the sole of his foot and because of the bandage, it is also on his foot, or for example, he cannot take off his socks because of the wound, what is his duty? Answer: You should open the bandage to the amount that applies to wiping the feet, and perform ablution normally. Yes, if opening the bandage placed on the injured part is harmful or accompanied by intolerable difficulty (Haraj), he should perform Jabirah ablution here. In the case of Haraj, Tayammum also must be done as a precaution.
  10. Question: I am a simple worker in a factory. One day, a government official came and said that this water well that you are using is illegal and you should give some money to the government for this well, and without knowing it, I performed ablution and ghusl with the water of this well for many years. What is my duty? Are the ghusls I performed and the prayers I prayed correct? Or am I still in the state of Janabah? Answer: Ghusls as well as the prayers you have recited are correct, and there is no need to perform ghusl again, but for subsequent ghusls, use permissible (non-usurped) water.
  11. Question: It is mentioned in the Risalah that ablution is valid when the place or space of performing ablution or container of ablution water or the place where the ablution water falls is permissible; What is meant by space of ablution and what is the difference between it and place? Answer: Imagine you are standing on the sidewalk of an unknown person's house, and in the courtyard of that house, you perform ablution and your ablution water falls there. In this premise, your standing place for ablution (the sidewalk) is permissible. But the ablution space and the place where ablution water is poured is usurped. Similarly, on the contrary here, a usurped place, but a permissible space, can be imagined.
  12. Question: If a person pauses while performing ablution without anything having invalidated the first ablution, what is the ruling on the second ablution? If there is a need to invalidate the previous ablution in some way, can the person intentionally dip their hand in non-ablution water before wiping? Answer: The new ablution is void. Before starting a new ablution, you either have to perform an invalidator of ablution or wait that much that his ablution be considered interrupted.
  13. Question: We asked the office of our Marja’ that in cleaning the floors of hospitals, hotels, laboratories, apartments and the like, impurity such as blood and the like is wiped with a wet broom/mop and it can be seen a lot. It was replied that you have to deem it to be pure. Is this reply based on the principle of compliance with intolerable and difficult situations or is it something else? Answer: To avoid obsessions, and hardships in people's lives, Islam considers the principle of purity to be present in everything and has ordered this general rule: only if you are sure that something is impure, you are obliged to avoid it. Otherwise, you have no duty; Therefore, all the things that we do not know about their impurity, or we doubt their impurity, or even we suspect that they are impure, are all pure and we have no duty to avoid them.
  14. Question: What is the obligation if we eat impure food without knowing and find out later? If the inside of the mouth becomes impure (due to impure food between the teeth) and, for example, we blow on a pure object that is wet, is that object become impure due to the air that comes out of the mouth? Answer: No, nothing becomes impure due to blowing. Try to avoid these obsessive matters and do not occupy your mind with these matters.
  15. Question: I don't consider any place in our house to be pure (Tahir), not even water or other things... I am obsessed and sometimes I lose my mental balance because of a lot of rinsing, ablution, ghusl or prayer... and I say disbelief. And there have been times when I have consciously spread impurity to clothes, etc. when I saw the impurity with my own eyes and I have a conventional certainty that I spread it. Now I want to repent and pray and return to the path of life without obsession. please guide me. Answer: Obsession is a mental illness and an evil condition that needs to be treated with a lot of practice and consultation with technical experts. According to Shari'ah, an obsessive person is obliged to ignore his temptations and act like normal people. If you are sure that you have transferred impurity, in such a way that if you tell the story to the people around you, they will also consider those items as impure, then it is necessary to purify and clean those items. But be sure to pay attention to the rinsing method and do not wash more than necessary.
  16. Question: Question: If mouse droppings are in the flour, what is its ruling? All the flour should be thrown away or is there another ruling? Answer: No, not all flour is impure; Rather, you can use the rest of the flour by removing the droppings and some of its surroundings (if the impurity has spread to the surrounding).
  17. Question: The fabric of a sofa was impure by spilling a small amount of semen. After it dried (hours later) my father sat on that couch for a few minutes. I was worried that it would become impure. After he got up, I went there and found the sofa was wet because of sweat. Is my father impure now? Should I share it with him? Are his prayers invalid? Please answer so that I, 15 years old, can get rid of my obsession and continue my life without obsession. Answer: Your father's prayers are valid and it cannot be ruled that his clothes are impure One of the most basic ways to treat obsessions is to ignore obsessive thoughts.
  18. Question: Usually, when I go to the lavatory, during purifying, my pant leg becomes wet. Do my pants, underpants, and body (if the wetness spreads to it) become impure? Can I pray in them? Answer: If you are not sure that your pants are infected with impurity, and you suspect that it was water that has been secreted, then it is pure.
  19. Question: If an object gets wet, and after some time comes into contact with a dry impure object, and we don't know whether or not there was still moisture at the time of contact in that object that was wet, what is the ruling on that object? Can we say that it is pure because there is doubt about becoming impure? Answer: When you are not sure about the transmission of impurity, the second object is clean. Knowledge and certainty or the testimony of two righteous witnesses are necessary for the realization of impurity of an object.
  20. Question: There is an 18-year-old person whose father is a Shiite, the person says he has no religion but is researching to choose the right religion. Is this person pure (Tahir) and is it okay to touch him if he is wet? Is there a problem with him coming to the mosque for research? Answer: Such a person is pure, and there is nothing wrong with him going to the mosque.
  21. Question: 1- Are towels and keffiyeh considered clothing or not? And if they become impure with urine, how many times is it necessary to rinse them? 2- Are the scarf, socks, gloves, bedsheets, and praying mat considered clothes or not? And how many times is it necessary to rinse if it becomes impure with urine? Answer: 1: Yes, it has the ruling of clothing 2: Shawl, socks, bedsheets, praying mat, and gloves have the status of clothing, if they become impure with urine, they must be washed twice.
  22. Question: Does asphalt purify impure soles of shoes? If yes, could you tell me by how many steps? How about the asphalt that is wet with rain? Answer: According to the obligatory precaution, impure soles of feet and shoes cannot be purified by walking on the asphalt.
  23. Question: It is written in Risalah that: If grape juice boils by itself or by cooking, it is Tahir (pure), but eating that grape juice is forbidden; Unless it becomes wine, in which case, in addition to being forbidden, it is also Najis (impure). Likewise, eating boiled grapes is haram according to obligatory precaution, but it is not ritually impure. My questions are: 1. Does this issue also include grape syrup? 2. Does this issue include grape jam? 3. While cooking, some syrups add some soil to it. After cooking the syrup, the soil does not show that it was previously poured into it, that is, it dissolves in it. Is it permissible to eat such syrup? Answer: 1- If grape juice is boiled, but before two-thirds of it evaporates, it turns into grape syrup, according to the necessary precautions, it is not halal to eat, and it can be mixed with water, and after that two-thirds of it evaporates it becomes Halal. Also, the above applies to grape jam. 2- After evaporation of two thirds, grape syrup and its jam, if it boils by itself or by cooking, it is pure and halal to eat. Unless it is intoxicating. 3- A small amount of soil, which is usually lost and dissolved during cooking, is not a problem.
  24. Question: In addition to the pure clothes that were on the rope, the impure clothes were also next to the rope in front of it, which now hit the impure clothes with a few drops of rain and jumped on the pure clothes. Are the clothes impure or not? 2- In the case of the above question, will the clothes be purified if left in the rain? Answer: 1_ The clothes are clean. 2- Raining two or three (few) drops is not useful, but it should be in such a way that it is said that it will rain.
  25. Question: I have half-peeled skin on my hand, that under it and also under the nails are impure, I washed my hands under the tap, and after finishing the wash, I doubted whether I touched the partially-peeled skin so that the water would penetrate or not. Or did the water reach under the nails to purify it or not, and sometimes I forget about things? Is it pure or impure? Answer: In the hypothesis that you said, "I washed my hands under the tap", is pure. It is necessary for a person to avoid obsessions and punctiliousness. In addition, excessive caution in matters of impurity and purity is not a good thing according to the Holy Sharia.
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