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What Are Events and Signs of the Advent of the Savior in Different Religions?

Different religions have various perspectives on the events that will occur before the coming of the savior. Here are some of these views:

Hinduism: The concept of the savior in Hinduism is embodied in the figure of Kalki, who will appear at the end of times when the world is covered by injustice and darkness, and the unworthy dominate people’s lives and possessions.

Vishnu will appear as Kalki in the future, like Christ, to save the world. He will hold a flaming sword and ride a white horse, coming to establish truth and eliminate falsehood. This marks the fourth stage of the cosmic cycle, after which the world will end.[1]

Before his appearance, social and spiritual life will descend to its lowest point, paving the way for final decline. Rulers will kill their subjects, people will harm their neighbors, and nothing spiritual will hold any value. Even the Brahmins will not be able to help the people and will go their own way. People will seek gold and power, truth and love will disappear from the earth, and lies will become the standard for everything. Sacred rituals will vanish, washing will be done only for cleanliness, mutual consent will replace marriage ceremonies, boasting will replace learning, and thieves and plunderers will make the laws and become rulers. It is at this time that he will come.[2]

In the sacred Hindu text “Bhagavad Gita,” it is stated: “Whenever there is a decline in righteousness and an increase in unrighteousness, O Arjun, at that time I manifest Myself on earth.[3] To protect the good, destroy the wicked, and establish righteousness, I appear in every age.”[4]

Zoroastrianism: In Zoroastrianism, the appearance of a savior at the end of times is emphasized. In this faith, there is a cosmic power or spirit of good named Ahura Mazda and an opposing cosmic power or great spirit of evil named Angra Mainyu. Throughout history, these two forces will battle until the end of times, when good will triumph over evil, leading to the realm of peace, purity, and the elevation of Ahura Mazda with the appearance of Saoshyant, marking the end of times.[5]

In his Gathas (Hymns), Zarathushtra tells us of The World Savior, Saoshyant (MP Soshyant), who is to come and stop the cruelty of bloodthirsty and wicked people, and renew the world, and end death. See Yasna 48.11-12, Yasna 43.3, The victorious Saoshyant and his helpers make the world wonderful.

Three saviors will be born of virgins miraculously impregnated with Zarathushtra's seed while bathing in Lake Kansaoya: Ushedar, Ushedarmah, and the Saoshyant (named Astvat-ereta).[6]

The time of Saoshyant’s appearance: According to the sacred texts of Zoroastrianism, the saviors will appear and help the people when the world is engulfed in the oppression and hatred of Angra Mainyu, and the wicked dominate the good; religion and justice are corrupted by the impure; religion weakens, and only a name and lifeless form remain. At that time, chivalry and good character will also have left the world.

In this faith, the day and month of the saviors’ appearance are also specified. In a Pahlavi treatise named “Month of Farvardin, Day of Khordad” or “Matikan Fravartin Roj Khordad,” twenty-five events are listed that have occurred or will occur on the sixth day of this month. One of these events is the appearance of the saviors and their helpers. However, no exact time for their appearance is specified in the Avesta.[7]

Judaism: The time of the appearance of the Messiah, which is determined by God, is a very hidden and secret mystery. However, many signs regarding the conditions of his coming have been mentioned. Some of these conditions are distressing and worrying.[8]

In any case, some of these signs have been mentioned, and the Talmud predicts the characteristics of the period of the absence of the Messiah as follows: a decrease in the number of religious scholars, an increase in hardships and severe decrees, famines and severe wars, the hatred of pious people, the transformation of scientific centers into places of entertainment, the loss of truth, disrespect of the young towards the old, confrontation of daughter with mother and daughter-in-law with mother-in-law, and the severe impudence and rudeness of the people of the period. (Sanhedrin Tractate, page 97a and Sotah Tractate, page 49b)[9]

Christianity: In the Bible, signs are mentioned for the appearance of the Savior, which is the coming of Christ, including:

“For nation will fight against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.”[10]

 “'Immediately after the distress of those days the sun will be darkened, the moon will not give its light, the stars will fall from the sky and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.”[11]

“There will be signs in the sun and moon and stars; on earth nations in agony, bewildered by the turmoil of the ocean and its waves; men fainting away with terror and fear at what menaces the world, for the powers of heaven will be shaken. And then they will see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. When these things begin to take place, stand erect, hold your heads high, because your liberation is near at hand!”[12]

According to the Bible, the appearance of the Antichrist is also one of the events that will occur before the appearance of Jesus.[13]

Islam: From the collection of narrations in the books of Hadith, Tafsir, and history about the era of the appearance of the Promised Mahdi, two points are obtained:

First, in this era, before the appearance of the Promised Mahdi, moral corruption and oppression will encompass all human societies and become the most common phenomenon in human relations.

Second, after the appearance of the Mahdi, a great transformation will occur in societies, corruption and oppression will disappear, and monotheism, justice, and complete intellectual and practical growth will spread throughout human life.

The most famous Hadith, which has been narrated in various phrases, considers the main sign of the Mahdi’s rule in the end times to be the establishment of justice throughout the world.

Abu Sa’id al-Khudri said: The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: “I give you the good news of the Mahdi. He will be sent in my nation at a time of people’s disputes and earthquakes. He will fill the earth with justice and fairness as it was filled with oppression and injustice. The inhabitants of the heavens and the earth will be pleased with him.”[14]

In some Islamic narrations, other signs for the end times are also mentioned, such as the appearance of the Antichrist, the appearance of the Beast of the Earth, and the descent of Jesus among the people.[15]

As a result, it can be stated that similar events for the end times and the appearance of the Savior have been mentioned in the world’s religions.[16]



[1] . Tārīkh-e Jāme’-e Adyān (Comprehensive History of Religions): John B. Noss, translator: Ali Asghar Hekmat, third edition, p. 194.

[4] . Gita. (Bhagavad Gita). Or the Song of the Gods (1995), translated by Mohammad Ali Movahed, Tehran: Kharazmi Publications, third edition: fourth discourse, p. 93.

[5] . Tārīkh-e Jāme’-e Adyān (Comprehensive History of Religions): John B. Noss, translator: Ali Asghar Hekmat, third edition, p. 319.

[6] . Avesta Book. Refer to the website: https://www.avesta.org/zcomet.html

[8] . (Talmud Gemara Sota 49 b) quoted from the official website of the Tehran Jewish Community.

[9] . The Savior of the World and the Era of Appearance from the Perspective of Judaism”: Omid Mohebbati Moghadam, Mahdavi Studies Quarterly, fifth year, issue 20, spring 2017, p. 100.

[11] . Ibid, 24: 29.

[14] . Al-Ghaybah: Sheikh Al-Tusi, vol: 1, p: 178.

[15] . Ibid; p: 436.

[16] . For further reading, refer to: End Times: Fathollah Mojtaba’i - Mohammad Mojtahed Shabestari - Ahmad Tafazzoli, article / Islamic Theology Encyclopedia (End Times): A group of researchers, volume: 1, page: 2.

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