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Question: If a person has a wound under his beard and the blood does not stop, how can he perform ablution? The wound is under the beard and he does not want to shave the beard. Putting plaster on the beard is useless because, with the plaster on the beard, the water still reaches the wound under the beard and spreads to other places.

Answer: If the wound can be purified, but the only obstacle is that the blood does not stop, in this case, it is necessary to cleanse the face under Kurr water (tap water), meaning you put your face under tap water from top to bottom with the intention of ablution while pressing the injured area (with one finger), when you reached the injured area remove your finger for a moment so that the water could reach it, but if the wound cannot be purified this way and it is not possible to perform Jabirah ablution, then you have to perform Tayammum.

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