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What are the principles of religion and faith from the perspective of Shia?


In the hadiths, several things have been introduced as the principles and foundations of religion, opposing which leads to disbelief and leaving Islam. For example, Imam Sadiq (AS) has mentioned the pillars of Islam as monotheism, prophethood, acceptance of what has come from Allah, paying the zakat, and Wilayat of Ahl al-Bayt (AS).[1] In another narration, Imam Baqir (AS) introduces the fundamentals of Islam as the five things: prayer, zakat, fasting, Hajj, and Wilayat.[2]

However, Shia scholars consider the principles of religion (those principles acceptance of which is a condition for being a Muslim and rejecting any of which leads to Kufr and leaving Islam) as three things. Ayatollah Khoei explains the principles of religion as follows: "In the realization of Islam, a Muslim must confess to the existence of Allah and the unity of Allah, acknowledge the prophethood and message of the Prophet, and acknowledge the resurrection."[3]

Ayatollah Khoei to explain the many things that are introduced in the hadiths as the principles and foundations of religion and rejecting them causes Kufr, states that there are different levels of Kufr, including:

1. Kufr that is against Islam and causes the loss of his respect in wealth and honor, the disallowance of marriage, inheritance, etc.

2. Kufr that is against faith and does not cause the above rulings, but the person will be treated like an unbeliever in the afterlife, which means the person is considered a Muslim in this world and an unbeliever in the afterlife.

3. Kufr that is against obedience, as in many narrations the term "disbeliever" is used for a disobedient person.[4]

Therefore, it should be said that from the Shia perspective, the principles of the religion are monotheism, prophecy and resurrection, which disbelief in them causes Kufr and leaving Islam,[5] and the principles of the faith are monotheism, prophecy, resurrection, justice and imamate, which disbelief in them causes leaving the Shia religion.[6]


[1] . Al-Kafi: Al-Sheikh al-Kulayni, vol: 2 p: 20.  

[2] . Ibid, p: 18.  

[3] . Al-Tanqih fi Sharh al-Urwah al-Wuthqa: Khu'i Sayyid Abul Qasim Musavi, vol 2, pp: 58-59.         

[4] . ibid, p:63.

[5] . Kitab al-Taharah: Al-Sheikh Murtada al-Ansari, vol: 2 p: 355 / Asl al-Shi'ah wa Usulha: Kashf al-Ghita', Al-Sheikh Muhammad Husayn, vol: 1 p: 210.

[6] . Al-Barahin al-Qatia: Al-Astarabadi, Muhammad Ja'far, vol: 1 p: 71 / Al-Anwar al-Ilahiya fi al-Masa'il al-Aqaidiyyah: Al-Tabrizi, Al-Mirza Jawad, vol: 1 p: 79.

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