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When is the advent of Shia?

The rise of Shia is a historical matter; thus, we need to look into history to find evidence. Some narrations from Rasulullah (s) explicitly use the term "Shia" next to the name of Ali (as). These narrations can be found in both Shiite and Sunnite sources:
-    Allamah Majlisi the author of Bihar al-Anwar narrates that after the revelation of this verse, "…they are the best of the creatures",[1] the noble prophet explained to Ali (as) that "they are you and your Shia (follower). You and your Shia will come on the day of judgment while you are well-pleased and pleasing…"[2]

-    Khatib al-Baghdadi narrates from Rasulullah (s): "O Ali you and your Shia are in Paradise"[3]
-    Ibn Asakir narrates from Rasulullah (s) through Ali (as): "I and Ali may be compared to a tree; I am like the roots and Ali is the trunk and al-Hassan and al-Hussain are the fruits and the Shia are the leaves of that tree...". [4]


[1] . Al-Bayyenah: 7, «إِنَّ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ أُولَئِكَ هُمْ خَيْرُ الْبَرِيَّةِ»

[2] . Bihar al-Anwar vol. 35 p. 346.

[3] . Tarikh al-Baghdadi, vol 12, p. 389.

[4] . The History of the City of Damascus, vol. 42, p. 383.

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