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  1. Question: I travelled a day in the month of Ramadhan, and during the year I was unable to perform the Qadha fast, what is Kaffarah of delaying the Qadha of fast? Answer: If a person does not give the Qadha of his fast until the next Ramadhan, he should give 750 grams of food stuffs (wheat or bread or rice) to the poor for each missed day and must perform the Qadha fast too.
  2. Question: What is the Islamic ruling about someone who does not fast intentionally or breaks his fast deliberately? Answer: He should repent and seek divine forgiveness and it is necessary for him to observe the Qadha of the fasts which he has left out. As for kaffara (penalty), the details are as follows: If a person breaks his fast by eating or drinking or sexual intercourse without knowing that he must fast or was certain that fasting is not obligatory on him or broke his fast due to inculpable ignorance (ignorance out of innocence), it is not obligatory to give kaffarah (penalty). In case, however, he was guilty of not learning the rules, then kaffara is obligatory on him, as an obligatory precaution. In case he broke his fast and was fully conscious of his duty to observe fast or that he was aware that what he is doing invalidates the fast, kaffara becomes obligatory. The kaffara is to feed sixty poor even if he has broken his fast with something haram. If he knew that it was necessary to observe Qadha in the same year but he did not observe the Qadha till next Ramadhan, he should give 750 grams of food stuffs (such as flour, bread, noodles or date etc.) as kaffara for each day. If a person cannot observe the Qadha due to illness or other problems that hinder him from observing the Qadha, he should leave a Will asking his relatives to observe the Qadha on his behalf.
  3. Question: Is it necessary to perform last year's qadha fast before the beginning of this year's Ramadhan or can I keep it later? Answer: It is necessary to observe the Qadha of the previous year's fast before the next Ramadhan but if you have failed to do so, you should observe the Qadha in the following year(s) and you should also give kaffarah of 750 grams of food stuffs for each day to the poor. If the Qadha is delayed again in the following years, the kaffarah is not repeated.
  4. Question: What is the Islamic law about someone who breaks his fast thinking it is not obligatory on him to fast? Answer: If he was certain that fasting is not obligatory on him, there is no kaffarah on him nor is any fidya payable. However, Qadha is obligatory on him but if he was not certain about fasting not being obligatory, he should give both Qadha and kaffarah. The kaffarah is to feed sixty poor Shia Muslims by one mudd (750 grams) of foodstuffs to each 60 different needy Shia Muslims. Qadha should be performed in the same year and if it is delayed until the next Ramadhan, he should give the Qadha and kaffarah of 750 grams of food stuffs for each day to the poor. If the Qadha is delayed again in the following years, the kaffarah is not repeated.
  5. Question: I become extremely thirsty while fasting. Can that be an excuse for breaking my fast? Answer: If a person who is observing fast becomes thirsty and it is feared on his part that fasting might be harmful to him or it is extremely difficult for him that it is not bearable normally, it is permissible for him to drink at the time of extreme thirst to the extent of necessity only in which case his fast becomes void and he should not eat or drink more than that out of respect for the month of Ramadhan and should continue to restrain himself for the rest of the day, as an obligatory precaution. He should observe the qadha of that day after the month of Ramadhan. If he is not fasting in the month Ramadhan and he has enough time to perform the Qadha of his missed fast, he can break his fast.
  6. Question: According to some jurists, a person who intentionally invalidates his fast during the month of Ramadhan by committing a sin has to pay all three kinds of penalty [that is, fasting for sixty days, feeding sixty poor people, and emancipating a slave]. What should a person therefore do during our time when emancipating a slave is impossible since there are virtually no slaves? Answer: The penalty of emancipating a slave is waived when it is no longer possible. It should, however, be clarified that in our view, it is not obligatory to pay all three kinds of penalty for invalidating a fast during Ramadhan by committing a sin.
  7. Question: I am pregnant and would like to know whether I should fast or not. Answer: Fasting is not obligatory on a woman in an advanced stage of pregnancy, for whom fasting is harmful or for the child she carries. For every day, however, she should give one mudd (750 grams) of food to poor. In both the cases, she has to give qadha for the fasts which are left out. Also, if a woman who is not in an advanced stage of pregnancy but fasting is harmful or unbearably difficult, fasting is not wajib on her. She must keep the qadha later and there is no kaffara on her. In both cases, if a woman fails to observe the Qadha of the missed fast until the next Ramadhan, she must, as an obligatory precaution, give another kaffara because of delaying the Qadha.
  8. Question: What is the Islamic ruling about someone who is suffering from a disease? How should he go about fasting? Answer: He who fears for himself of falling ill as a result of fasting is not required to fast. Nor is he who believes that fasting would worsen his poor state of health in any way, be it hampering his recovery or increasing his pain. This should, however, be commensurate with what is generally accepted in these circumstances. If he fears that fasting might be harmful to him, it is permissible to break his fast. And if his illness continues until the next Ramadhan, Qadha is not obligatory but he should give 750 grams of food (wheat, flour or bread or any kind of food) for each day to poor Shiites. If he recovers within the same year, only Qadha is obligatory on him and he will not have to pay kaffara. As for a patient whose health is not affected by fasting, he must fast and his fasting is in order.
  9. Question: I have a daughter who has attained the age of puberty and she must fast according to Islamic law but she is too weak to fast. How should she go about fasting? Answer: A person cannot abandon fast on account of weakness. However, if she is so weak that fasting becomes totally unbearable, there is no objection to her breaking the fast. However, the necessary precaution is that she should suffice to eating and drinking to the extent of necessity only and she should also observe the qadha after the month of Ramadhan and she will not be liable to any kaffarah.
  10. Question: What is the Islamic law about someone who cannot fast due to old age? Answer: Fasting is not obligatory on a person who cannot fast because of old age, or for whom fasting causes extreme hardship. He or she should give one mudd (750 grams) of food stuffs to a poor Shia Muslim for every fast. Fasting is not obligatory on a person who suffers from a disease which causes excessive thirst, making it unbearable, or full of hardship. But in the latter case, that is, of hardship, he should give one mudd of food to poor, for every fast.
  11. Question: What is the niyyah of fasting? How should one make niyyah of fasting? Answer: It is not necessary for a person to pass the niyyah for fasting through his mind or to say that he would be fasting on the following day. In fact, it is sufficient for him to decide that in obedience to the command of Allah he will not perform from the time of Adhan for Fajr prayers up to Maghrib, any act which may invalidate the fast. If a person forgot that it was the month of Ramadhan, and takes notice of this before Zuhr and if he has not performed some act which will invalidates a fast and he makes niyyah, his fast is valid. But if he takes notice of this after Zuhr, he should not perform any act till Maghrib which invalidates a fast and should, as an obligatory precaution, also observe qadha of that fast after Ramadhan.
  12. There are nine acts which invalidate fast: Eating and drinking Sexual intercourse Masturbation (Istimna) which means self abuse, resulting in ejaculation Ascribing false things to Almighty Allah, or his Prophet or to the successors of the Holy Prophet Swallowing thick dust Immersing one's complete head in water Remaining in Janabat or Haidh or Nifas till the Adhan for Fajr prayers Enema with liquids Vomiting
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