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  1. Who is Ahmad al-Hassan and what are his beliefs? Ahmad al-Hassan, also known as Ahmad al-Hassan al-Basri, with the full name Ahmad bin Ismail bin Saleh bin Hussein bin Salman, was born in 1992 in Basra. He is from the Al-Bu-Suwaylim tribe, one of the tribes of the Sayyamer clan in the Medina district located in the northern region of Basra province. In his autobiography, which he wrote himself, it is mentioned that he entered the Najaf seminary with the intention of studying. After a while, he found level of this seminary very low and observed that the Quran, Sunnah, and ethics were not taught in this seminary. Therefore, he stayed at home and engaged in self-study. His entry into the seminary was also at the order of Imam Mahdi (AJTF), who instructed him to do so in a dream. [1] At the beginning of his mission, Ahmad Ismail introduced himself as the envoy of Imam Mahdi (AJTF) and later claimed that he was Yamani and the first Mahdi of the twelve Mahdis after Imam Mahdi (AJTF). He says that his third ancestor, Salman, is the son of Imam Mahdi (AJTF). However, according to narrations, the emergence of Sufyani, Yamani, and Khorasani will occur on the same day, month, and year, as indicated in the narrations.[2] Currently, there is no sign of the emergence of Khorasani and Sufyani to confirm the emergence of Ahmad al-Hassan as Yamani. Moreover, Yamani will rise from Yemen, not from the Basra region of Iraq. According to narrations, Yamani invites people to Imam Mahdi (AJTF), not to himself, and if any allegiance is taken, it will be for Imam Mahdi (AJTF), not for himself.[3] However, Ahmad Ismail only invites people to himself and excommunicates his deniers, including Marja al-Taqlids.[4] The point to note is the lack of Sayyid status of Ahmad Ismail. In Najaf, before his false claims, he wore a white turban and was known as Sheikh Ahmad. Haidar Mushattat also repeatedly referred to him as Sheikh. [5] His lack of Sayyid status is so clear and undeniable that it has led to the silence of his followers on this matter and, on the other hand, his family has admitted that he is not a Sayyid.[6] Ahmad Ismail has made many false claims, including the following:[7] 1. Ahmad Basri claims to be the fourth-generation descendant of Imam Mahdi (AJTF). 2. He claims to possess the status of infallibility and to be the heir of the knowledge of Ahl al-Bayt (AS). 3. He asserts that he is on the same level as the Imams. 4. He considers the sciences of principles of jurisprudence, philosophy, logic, rijal (biographical evaluation), and sanad (chain of narration) as innovations in religion. 5. He deems it forbidden to give khums (a type of Islamic tax) to anyone other than himself. 6. He does not consider it permissible to follow Marja al-Taqlids and claims to be the sole source of religious knowledge and teachings. 7. He states that those who have not joined Ahmad al-Hassan are outside the Imamate and guardianship of Imam Ali (AS). 8. He has stated that one of his duties is to abrogate some of the religious rulings. 9. He claims that he was the one crucified instead of Jesus.[8] 10.He has stated that he is the first of the Mahdis and the thirteenth Imam of the Shia.[9] It should be noted that in response to these numerous claims, books have been written by Shia researchers, including “The Path of Myth” by Mohammad Shahbazian, “The Messenger of Satan” by Mohammad Mehdi Salmanpour, and “Review and Critique of the Quranic Evidence of Ahmad Ismail’s Deviant Movement” by Javad Es’haqian Dorcheh. [1] . Rasool Iblis (The Messenger of Satan): Salmanpour, Mohammad Mehdi, p. 31. [2] . Al-Ghaybah Lil-Nu’mani: Al-Nu'mani, Muhammad ibn Ibrahim, Vol: 1, P: 255. [3] . Ibid., vol. 1, p. 256 [4] . In a series of questions, Ahmad Ismail was asked why he invited himself instead of Imam Mahdi. He also ignored the question and left it unanswered! (Al-Jawab al-Munir: Ahmad Ismail, vol. 3, pp. 40 – 41). [5] . Haidar Mashtat's statement on 6 Jamadi al-Thani 1424, which twice mentions Ahmad Ismail as Sheikh Ahmad; Also, his words about Ahmad Ismail who said: (Stick to Shaykh Ahmad who claims to be the son of the Imam); The latter statement is quoted by Nazim al-Aqili in his book Asmari Asr-e-Zhoor, p. 77, from Mushattat. [6] . Al-Arabiya Net on Sunday, 26 Muharram 2008, the words of General Abdul Jalil Khalaf, the police chief of Basra province, during the Ahmad Ismail uprising. [7] . Rah Afsaneh (The Path of Myth): Shahbazian, Mohammad, pp. 26-28. [8] . Al-Mutshabhat: Al-Basri, Ahmad al-Hassan, (consisting of vols. 1 to 4), p: 299. [9] . Ibid., p. 253. For more information, see Rah Afsaneh (The Path of Myth): Shahbazian, Mohammad, p. 193.
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